Personal Details
Doctor Name Dr.Eshani Kaul
Expertise General Dentistry
Experience 9 Years
Department Endodontics
Education & Training
Medical Education BDS, Fellowship in Aesthestic Dentistry
Certifications Endodontics(CERT)


Dr. Eshani, our accomplished dental professional, is a dedicated endodontics expert specializing in Root Canal Treatment (RCT), Pulpotomy, and advanced fillings. With a passion for precision, she excels in performing intricate procedures such as Lazar RCT, ensuring optimal oral health outcomes for her patients. Her commitment to excellence extends beyond the realm of endodontics, as Dr. Eshani has successfully completed a fellowship in Aesthetic Dentistry. This additional expertise allows her to seamlessly integrate functionality with aesthetic appeal, providing comprehensive care for her patients.

Key Highlights:

RCT, Pulpotomy, P/C, Filings, Lazer RCT, Single Visit Dentistry

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