Root Canal Treatment

What is a root canal?

The term “root canal” comes from the clearing of the canals inside the tooth’s root. In the past, teeth with infected or damaged pulps were most often used to be extracted. But now, thanks to root canal treatment, it has given dentists a secure way of saving teeth.

What is a Root canal Treatment?

Root canal Treatment is an endodontic treatment used to fix and save a badly affected, decayed or infected tooth instead of removing it. The treatment involves cleaning out the affected section of the tooth (the nerve and pulp are removed ) and disinfecting it and then plugging it with a filling material.

We at Sujay’s Dental Care believe in conserving teeth instead of extracting it. We make every measure to help you keep your natural teeth forever.

Infected Tooth diagram

What is done during a Root Canal Procedure?

There are a number of steps that involved in treating a tooth with root canal treatment.

Step 1: As a part of evidence-based dentistry our dental practitioner will take an X-ray to examine teeth in detail.

Step2: In order to numb the tooth area, local anesthesia is given to the affected tooth. So that the patient doesn’t fee anything

Opening Made in The Tooth

Step 3: During Pulpectomy an opening is made, and the infected nerve and tooth pulp is cleaned up and taken out. The pulp is composed of blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue, which helps to grow the root of your tooth. When the pulp is infected, impaired or injured and is unable to heal by itself, it dies. However, a fully developed tooth can survive without the pulp because the tooth continues to be nourished by the tissues surrounding it.

Step 4: The tooth’s interior part is well prepared, sterilized and finally filled up with with a filling material called Gutta Percha.

Canals Filled With A Permanent Material.
Distal Wisdom Tooth Impaction

Step 5: Crown is placed

New Crown Cemented Onto Rebuilt Tooth

Is the Root canal treatment painful?

There is no reason to worry if your endodontist prescribes a root canal procedure to treat an infected tooth. Millions of teeth are treated and saved this way each year, relieving pain and making teeth healthy again. In contrast to the well-known belief, with advancements in the field of dentistry, a root canal is no longer painful than a filling.

How many visits are involved?

Root canal treatment usually involves around one visit, but in some cases based upon the severity of the infection, it may vary up to 3.

Who is an endodontist?

An endodontist is a dentist who is specialized in treating problems related to tooth’s soft core- the pulp.

What happens if the root canal treatment is not done?

Not getting proper treatment, results in the infection of the tissue surrounding the affected tooth and may lead to the formation of a “pus-pocket” called an abscess. An abscess can inflict damage to the bone around the teeth. Finally, your tooth may have to be removed.

What are the causes affecting the pulp?

The most prevalent cause of pulp death is:
• a dental trauma
• a cracked tooth,
• Severe gum disease,
• a deep dental cavity.

How long does a tooth treated with Root canal treatment Last?

A restored tooth using RCT can last a lifetime with more than a 95% of success rate, provided the root of a treated tooth is nourished by the tissues around it. Moreover, regular checkups are very important.

What to do after getting the treatment?

  • A Root canal treated tooth is less strong and more delicate, so one should avoid chewing hard food until it has a protected using a crown.
    • Plan a, considerably softer diet for the subsequent 24 hrs.
    • Expect slight inflammation & pain for 1 to 2 days.
    • Brush the teeth as usual.
    • Contact our dentist, if you face any discomfort further.