Tooth Extraction
What is Dental Extraction/tooth removal?
Dental extraction is the removal of tooth/teeth from the jaw bone. It is also technically referred as exodontia. It is a minor surgical procedure done under local anaesthesia.
Dental extraction is carried out for a variety of reasons, most of the cases involve irreparable tooth decay and severe gum disease. Other reasons for extraction are impacted teeth, for an orthodontic purpose, for aesthetic purpose, malignant growth, etc.
What are Surgical Extractions?
Surgical extraction is done when normal extraction is not possible. The conditions such are broken tooth, broken root, impacted tooth, curved root and others demand surgical extraction. Surgical extraction is an extension of normal extraction. But it involves more opening up of gum tissue and a cut in the bone in some cases using osteotome(an instrument used to cut/drill bone).
Do you perform minor surgeries in dental clinic?
Yes, minor surgeries are regularly performed in our dental clinic. Cyst removal, crown lengthening, extraction of an impacted tooth, flap surgeries, implant insertion and others are carried out regularly in our clinic.
Do patients experience pain during tooth extraction?
The concern of pain during extraction is a valid one. But the use of local anaesthesia minimizes the pain and discomfort. Most of the patients are at ease during the extraction procedure.
How and when the decision for extraction is taken?
Dental extraction is considered only as last option if the conservation of the tooth is not possible or prognosis is poor. Cases like loss of tooth crown, severe periodontal bone loss, for the orthodontic purpose are some of the cases where extraction is advised.
What is the procedure of tooth extraction?
Tooth extraction is a minor procedure done under local anaesthesia. Initially, the tooth is loosened by opening the gum surrounding the tooth. Then the tooth is held with forceps and rocked back and forth. The loosened tooth is then removed from the socket. The blood clot is held with cotton and helps in healing. Post-extraction instructions are given
What happens after the tooth is extracted and left without replacement?
Tooth extraction creates a gap in the jaw. The absence of replacement or the gap can cause difficulty in chewing, difficulty in speech(if the front teeth are extracted) and if left un-replaced for a longer period will result in migration of adjacent teeth may result in malocclusion.
Replacement of extracted teeth is must to prevent any further deterioration of oral health.
What is impaction of a tooth and how it is treated?
The tooth which fails to erupt and remains in the jaw is known as an impacted tooth. Impaction may be total or partial. Total impaction of the tooth will not cause any difficulties in the majority of the cases.
Partial impaction of a tooth is prone to decay and infection of gums near it. The infection of gums is known as pericoronitis or operculitis.
What are the signs and symptoms of infection of an impacted tooth?
- Swelling of gums near the impacted tooth
- Bad/foul breath
- Food accumulation in the infected area
- pain during chewing and opening mouth
- Fever in some cases
What is the treatment for an impacted tooth?
- The permanent solution for impacted tooth to avoid repeated infection is to extract the tooth.
- The symptoms can be managed by painkillers and mouthwashes/lukewarm salt water rinsing.
- The impacted tooth is extracted by opening up of gums and bones; it takes longer time than normal extraction.
- It’s a kind of minor surgery. In some cases, prophylactic removal of a wisdom tooth is carried out in anticipation of infection/malocclusion.
- This procedure prevents the pain and discomfort and done when the tooth is not causing any problem.
Any post-operative instructions to the patients?
- Keep the cotton in the operated area as long as possible.
- Swallow the blood/saliva don’t spit.
- Avoid smoking
- Avoid traveling and strenuous work.
- Rinse the mouth with warm salt water from next day onwards
- Take prescribed medicines regularly